Tuesday, 29 June 2010

June 29 - The best laid plans....

Today began with two idiots getting the bright idea that while dry suits are necessary in the freezing cold waters fo the Sound, a swim off the boat would not result in hypothermia. But more on that later.

The goal of the day was to draw plans of both trenches and finish all the survey and photos for features. We got off to a great start, the first wave of divers hit the water before 9 and the planning frames were positioned quickly. By lunchtime both plans were nearly done. Several finds were discovered while drawing, including a pulley, originally thought to be an oddly shaped rock and two bottles lurking under the slate.

While waiting for the last pair to surface before lunch, Dan P. and I grabbed our 'swim trunks and flippy floppies' and dove off the side of the Sound Diver. 5 seconds later we were scrabbling at the stern hoping the lift would go fater. Lesson learned, at least until tomorrow.

After lunch we finished off the trenches and photos in one round of diving for each buddy pair. Next task was raising the frames which somehow required me to stand on the lift in thigh high water to retrieve the scaffolding. Having waited till now to post due to numb fingers, I'd say it was a great, albeit cold, day. All that's left now is back filling the trenches and paper work. 

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